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192. Sexual Abuse and the MIR-Method — 6 Comments

  1. Because I experienced incest in my early childwood, 7 years ago I started to have feelings of disgust for my body. After practicing the MIR-Method I would say after 2-3 weeks my unpleasant sensations began to disappear. They come back from time to time but I will persevere. I wish they will disappear completely. Before saying the 9 steps I say: accept the body. I am so happy to have discovered this method. I also notice that it calms me down.

  2. How can we perform MIR-Method on others? Do we stroke their hands with our hand while doing the 9 steps? Pls kindly guide.

  3. I have been abused by my Grandfather from an early age on, still wearing Pampers. It went on until I was 20 when he died. While he was in Hospital I could stand up against him for the very first time in my life. I will be 64 this year and still suffer from that Trauma.
    Since I started the MIR-Method a few years ago, I am getting better, especially after the first 6 weeks I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It is a long process.
    I am very grateful to have found the MIR-Method.

  4. Thank you!
    My clients and I appreciate your leading edge work with these challenging issues.

    • Dear Ingrid,
      That is so good to read! Give my kind wishes to them, wishing them lots of courage to deal with their past. If you can, could you maybe report any progress on this website? For instance, whether they become kinder to themselves, lose some of the shame, improving of self confidence, less reliving shocking situations…
      And thank you for your wonderful work with your clients!
      Greetings, Mireille Mettes

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