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141. Disagree with Your Thoughts! — 6 Comments

  1. Bonjour Mireille

    Très introverti la vie n’est pas une sinécure ! agé de 82 ans j’ai hâte que cela finisse.j’ai pratiqué toutes sortes de discipline y compris la psychanalyse.J’ai dépensé beaucoup d’argent en séminaire de toutes sortes.Certaines personnes parlent de moi comme “le mur”.j’ai empoisonné la vie de ma compagne pendant 32 ans et j’en suis honteux d’autant plus que je l’aimais sincèrement.je me sens profondément coupable.

    • Cher Erwan, je suis désolé d’apprendre à quel point vous êtes difficile. Vous n’aimez pas avoir « ruiné » la vie de votre femme. En fin de compte, il s’agit d’être capable de se pardonner à soi-même. Vous voyez ce que vous avez fait et vous en assumez la responsabilité. Cela demande du courage! Votre femme avait aussi la responsabilité de sa vie. Rester ou partir? J’espère sincèrement que vous pourrez vous regarder avec un peu plus de bienveillance dans vos dernières années et vous pardoner.

      Dear Erwan, I am sorry to hear how difficult you are. You resent having “ruined” your wife’s life. In the end, it comes down to being able to forgive yourself. You see what you have done and take responsibility for it. That takes courage! Your wife also had responsibility for her life. Stay or leave? I sincerely hope that you can look at yourself with a little more kindness in your last years and forgive yourself
      Best regards,

  2. Dear Mireille,
    We are not our thoughts – very healing and supportive! Your site is very supportive and helpful and I thank you for that.
    I worry a lot, not for me but for my son (age 31) who is not doing well inside himself and getting nowhere in life and refuses any help (probably the worst part). Your comments on my situation will be very appreciated.
    Thank you,

    • Dear Sylvia,
      Sons and daughters are known for not wanting to listen to their mothers. Usually they meet somebody else in life, a peer, a teacher, who can get through to them. Your role as a mother is to let go of your son and to put faith in him that whatever happens, he will find his way. You can give this faith and freedom to yourself and your son, by doing the MIR-Method (if you want to).
      In modern day society so many things are not how they are supposed to be and many youngsters are bothered by it and refuse to join the rat race. It may very well be that your son is amongst those who will contribute to making this society more human & kindness-oriented. He may one day surprise you!
      Keep the faith!
      With love,

  3. Sometimes disagree, sometimes listen with an open heart and compassion. Thoughts contain hidden messages behind them; when we stop to listen and ask, that information becomes available and potentially healing…or at least different and hence relieving.

  4. “Thoughts are not facts!” I use this when I find myself wondering or worrying bout something…..

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