Webinar: ‘Clairsentience in daily life’
In addition to clairvoyance, there is also such a thing as Clairsentience. When you have that gift, but don’t know it, you may become a playtoy of other people’s emotions. It’s like you’re always emotional, but chances are they are not your emotions! In the webinar I will show you what clairsentience is and how you can deal with it using the MIR-Method. So that you can eventually use the beautiful Art of Feeling for yourself and for others. With love, Mireille
You can participate in the webinar for free via the video below.
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P.S. Not familiar with the MIR-Method yet? Please go to the homepage. You can watch the video there and also the instruction video. Sign up for our newsletter and 6 weeks of coaching e-mails for extra support!
Very helpful thank you. I do get very tired around people & some people literally make me sick but now I have the tools to deal with it using the MIR method. ❤️